Importing a backed up GPG key


I have my gpg key saved offline. Here’s what I should do to import and use it.


  1. Copy it to somewhere in /tmp
  2. Import it: gpg --import <file>
  3. You might be asked for several passphrases because there should be an encryption and signing subkeys. Remember all the passphrases 😉
  4. Check gpg --list-keys. Key and its subkeys should be there
  5. Get rid of the original file. shred -u -z /tmp/<your file>

If in a hurry, stop here, use it and then skip to cleanup below. Otherwise keep reading

If not in a hurry, or setting up some maching and I’m in need of some key, then I should just keep subkeys around and delete the primary key because it should be kept offline.

  1. Check available key/subkeys and their ids: gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format long. ID should be after the algorithm for the key
  2. Delete the secret key gpg --delete-secret-key <email>. Say yes only to the key id of the primary key
  3. Say NO to everything else and don’t worry about the error
  4. Recheck everything gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format long. You should see a hash sign after sec for the primary key. That means it’s offline
  5. Feeling paranoid?: gpg --edit-key <email>. Confirm the primary key is marked as pub (as opposed to sec). Pub means only the public key is available. Sec means the secret key is present
  6. Change passphrases (if needed). gpg --edit-key <email> then passwd. You might need all passphrases of subkeys. This is fine as long as this key is not backed up
  7. Trust the key: gpg --edit-key <email> then trust. I chose ultimate.


If in a hurry or just needed to use the key for a short period, then don’t forget to cleanup. Keys are very sensitive and shouldn’t be kept for a long time, especially the primary key.

  1. check you have secret keys: gpg --list-secret-keys
  2. delete the key completely: gpg --delete-secret-key <identity>. Where I’m not exactly sure what identity can be. Email worked for me and that’s enough. I assume fingerprint should work too
  3. recheck gpg --list-secret-keys
  4. No need to worry about gpg --list-keys because those are public
